Every year, we organize dozens of different events across the Czech Republic, through which we regularly open the most interesting and pressing social issues. We combine leading policies with experts from around the world, representatives of the most successful companies and professional public. We give to discussions a new dimension and bring innovative solutions. So, we hope to see you soon, check out our events that we're preparing.

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Institute for Politics and Society organizes another meeting with top representatives of leading Czech and European political scene and diplomacy and the highest representatives of major companies and enterprises.

This time we meet with the Ambassador of the Slovak Republic in the Czech Republic H. E. Peter Weiss and a Member of the European Parliament for the political party ANO, Pavel Telička, former European Commissioner in charge and vice president of the ALDE Group.

During the meeting, the speakers will primarily focus on the ongoing Slovak presidency of the European Union which Slovakia took in the extremely complicated and difficult situation.  H. E. Peter Weiss would like to describe the preparation of Slovak Republic for the first Presidency, the priorities and decisions. He will talk about the results of the summit in Bratislava, and what have our neighbors achieved during their presidency up to now. In the future, the EU Council will have to deal with delicate issues, such as Migration and Security, the state of Eurozone, the Greek debt, or Brexit. Another topic will also be regional positions of  V4 in the context of initiative of southeast European states, the German position, and so on.

The meeting will be held on October 7th in the form of a working breakfast from 8:30 to 10:00 am under the moderation of Jan Machacek, the Chairman of the board of the Institute for Politics and Society. The meeting is by invitation only.