Institute for Politics and Society invites you to the discussion "Global challenges to automation", which will be a part of the Next 100 Symposium 2019.

Global industry is experiencing a great boom of innovation which will involve the automation of the workforce. Issues related to the future of the workforce affects the whole world and not all nations are as ready for this process as others. All of the key steps towards successful automation of the workforce depends on each national government, as their financial support helps enterprises and researchers to increase technological expensation for valuable innovations. It is necessary to embrace automation and robotization in all economical areas and invest in the education system and sciences as all governments face the challenge of supporting a workforce that needs to become better qualified in order to move into more demanding positions.

Confirmed speaker:

Martina Dlabajová, Member of the European Parliament

Thomas Roca, Data Strategist, Microsoft & LinkedIn

Our discussion will be held on 21 November 2019, 10:00-10:45 in Dox Center for Contemporary Art, Poupětova 1, Prague.

If you are interested to attend, please check the website: