The conference opens up a dialogue about the key points of a digital economy between the public and private sectors. The attitude of the public institutions towards digitization is often criticized by...
Did you miss any of our events? Are you interested in the most interesting information from our events? Now you will not miss anything important.
Institute for Politics and Society is looking for interns!
Do you study international relations, regional studies, business or economics? Do you want to gain experience and use your knowledge to solve real-life issues? Then we are looking for...
Growing East-West Divide?
The Institute for Politics and Society invites you to a public debate with Ryszard Petru, Chairman of Nowoczesna and opposition leader in the Polish Parliament, and Pavel Telicka, 2nd...
Is Europe Attractive for Young People?
The Institute for Politics and Society is holding a discussion called "Is Europe Attractive for Young People?" The debate will be held in Czech. Czechs are rather skeptical about...
East West Divide
Few years ago at the height of the Eurozone crises and Greek crises everyone spoke about north-south EU divide. Prudent savings oriented responsible nature of the north against...
Parliament Election in Slovakia: Continuity or a Chance for Change?
The Institute for Politics and Society invites you to participate in a public debate "on the Slovak Parliamentary elections: Continuity, or a chance for a change?" The first Saturday...
The UK’s EU Reform Agenda
The Institute for Politics and Society invites you to a public debate on The UK´s EU Reform Agenda. The discussion will focus on British Prime Minister David Cameron´s EU...
Competitive Ability of Czech Agriculture in EU
The Institute for Politics and Society invites you to a public debate on the competitiveness of Czech agriculture in the EU, held under the auspices of Deputy Pavel Sramek....
Breakfast with Minister of the Environment
On Thursday, February 4, 2016 there will be a meeting of members of the Institute for Politics and Society and guests, with Environment Minister Richard Brabec. The main theme...