Democracy and Rule of Law
Three important reports by Freedom House, the Economist, and V-Dem, an institute associated with Sweden’s Gutenberg University, have found disturbing patterns associated with the state of democracy around the...
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Three important reports by Freedom House, the Economist, and V-Dem, an institute associated with Sweden’s Gutenberg University, have found disturbing patterns associated with the state of democracy around the...
During 98 hours of educational cycle – V4+ Academy of Young Business Women Leaders – experts, specialists on equaling opportunities on labor market, women who play key roles...
The consequences of the coronavirus pandemic have affected the world economy. European industry is struggling to recover from an unexpected situation that affects millions of people across the continent....
The European Union is currently facing big challenges – AI and digitization which affects all parts of our lives. We already knew that it would be significant part of...
The idea of a progressive green policy has come into European policy and is not a topic Europe is allowing to be pushed into the margins. Environmental movements are...
In the Czech Republic, the introduction of a digital tax is currently being discussed, which should affect the digital services of world IT giants in the Czech Republic. We...
There are many upcoming hot issues which have to do with the future of international trade and the European Union. First, Brexit, Prime Minister Boris Johnson led Britain...
The election to the National Council of the Slovak Republic is approaching. On that account, we organized a pre-election debate with the candidates in Prague. Asking why Prague?...
The United States will inevitably shift its focus to Asia and the Pacific area over the coming years and decades. This is due to economic and demographic trends. The...
The liquidation of Qasem Soleimani, Quds Commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, brought another tensions to the very unstable region of the Middle East. Soleimani was killed in...